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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Birthed during the 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer!

A few days after the fast began, I started sending a few friends words of encouragements through texts. So many have expressed that it has been a blessing to their lives so figured I would type them all up and post them daily on my blog for all to be blessed by!

Your walk and your talk should be equal. May the life that you live reflect your salvation. There should not be a difference in your profession of faith and the way you live. People should not wonder if you are a Christian when they hear you speak or see your actions. Your behavior should reflect your Lord and Savior.
Response from a special young man in my life"thank you Mrs. Lisa for all the things you send me everyday and keeping me in your prayers. Your words have up lifted me and helped me so much. I read and reflect on your words everyday. As soon as I read them .I share them with a friend every time I get one. Thanks to you again so much for always being here for me through everything. I love you too and again thank you for everything you have helped me change my life for the better and I know I can always count on you."
Your story is His story! So do not be ashamed of your story. Others may want to know more about Christ after hearing our testimonies. The way God helps us with our struggles can be an encouragement to others. Let's give God some glory by sharing our story!
Submit to authority and do what is asked of those over you, unless you are asked to do something immoral or illegal. David respected Sauls authority though he tried ti kill him. God allows leaders to lead god is just and leaders will be held accountable for ht eway they treat your. Love and pray for the. God's in charge!
Be hones! Do not lie to your friends. Speak truth from God's word to them. The word of God is to show us what is wrong, to correct us and to prepare and equip us to do good works. If you really love someone you will tell them the truth, not lie to them. Thank God that he gives us truths so we can have abundant lives!
You are not alone! You may or may not get a Valentine today, but remember the greatest gift you have ever received is the Fathers love. Do not forget to celebrate that today!. He is our Valentine to those of us who believe. So it a a Happy Valentine!
We all need friends. Do not try to do life without them! Jesus had friends. One of hte enemies schemes is to isolate. Invite the right people into your world.Godly friends give good advice. Today pray that God would bring right friends into your life or thank him for your godly friendships.
God is our source! Do not look to any other source than the Lord. The Bible says to seek Him first and everything else will be added Most times we see the everything else first.We end up in a mess, then we look to him as the source to get out the mess. Look to God first for help and notice the difference.
We are safe! God is our protection. He knows our every move, in fact He orders our steps. We are safe in Christ, so do not live in fear. Live in His presence. No one can remove us from His care. Live in this Confidence!
Watch your thoughts! It is important to guard your mind. Feelings and actions tend to follow our thoughts. Choose to change/exchange wrong thoughts with those that are good, pure, true and lovely. It will effect the way you feel. Think what God thinks about yourself, and others and your situation... which is always good!
We will trust! Remember to trust God with every detail of your life. He cares and wants to help us. We are not alone. Do not worry or fear, it does not help at all. Give our concerns to God and believe that he has our best interest at heart.
Promotion. Do not worry about mean's promotion. Know that God is the one that truly promotes. Do what is right in whatever position you are in. Do not try to please man, but please God He see what you do! He will exalt you! When he promotes no man can demote; Be content where you are until God moves you!
Watch your tongue! The word we speak have power. Make sure the words you say about yourself and your circumstance are God's promises. The words we speak to other should build up and not tear down. Speak lie to those in our world. We will see the fruit of what we speak!
Love others! when you are wronged do not pay back a wrong with a wrong. Our God is a God of Justice! God rewards kindness. Love never fails.
Choose to walk in joy today! Be glad in the Lord because He has done great things for you. Thank him! He is the lifter of our heads. The joy of the Lord is your strength.
Know who you are! Do not wear labels others have given you. you have been adopted by the Kings of Kings! You are the Kings Child through Christ Jesus! You are royalty and that's how God views you Walk it out today!
Talk to Go! Prayer is an important part of our walk with God. Make time each hour today to just whisper something to God. You don't even have to step away do it wherever you are are. Bible says He's listening!
Thank you that we have hope! We do not have to put our hope in temporary things. When things look dim through our eyes, remember our eternal hope in Christ Jesus. In that we can be confident!
Share Jesus! Do not be ashamed of the message of Christ. It is that message that has brought us freedom from death. Let someone else know that they can walk in freedom too! We are are alive!
Thank you God that you have the pathway for my life. I might have many plans but my steps are ordered by you. Lord I choose to walk in obedience to you!
Trust God! Do not rely on your won understanding or reasoninh. We can believe He is who he says he is and does what he says he will do. He is trustworthy and he will never change. Now that you can rely on.
H takes care of you! God is your Provider. Remember He will supply all your need according to His glorious riches. As a believe you will not lack anything that is good for you. Trust and believe these truths today regardless of how you fell!
Praise God today for who He is! He is Lord of our lives. Recognize Him today and Bless His Name Brag on Him today. Realize it is not all about you but Him!
Know who you are! You have been chosen by God before the beginning of times. Believe you are special to God and you are here for His purpose. God really does delight in you!
Today do not focus on what you do not have or feel you need. Be thankful for what you have. Give thanks to God today for saving you and everything else He has done for you. Your heart will be filled with joy!
Always do what is right, though at times it may feel as if doing what is right doesn't work. Put your trust in God, in His timing you will see the benefits of doing the the right thing. Do not give up!
Forgive others, and don't hold grudges. It hurts you more than them. Stop thinking about wrongs done to you. Your God is a God of Justice and he will settle accounts in His timing. Choose to forgive today!
Isn't it good to know that God's love is so great. No stupid thing we say or do, nothing anyone accuses us of or no matter if we drew back from Him...nothing can separate us from His love. Live in that!
Ask God for wisdom before making commitments. If we consult Him first we can be sure the outcome will be good! God never fails!
God is seeking a man after His own heart . Know the heart of God by reading the Word of God Lord make my heart like yours!
Remember the things you see are temporary but the things you do not see last forever . So make and eternal difference in someone's life today.
May God give you supernatural wisdom and insight today. May his love abound in you. You are loved!
Be filled with Joy today! The joy of the Lord is your strength!

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Books I Recommend

  • Power of A Praying Parent
  • Power of a Praying Wive
  • Under Authority, John Bevere
  • Release of the Spirit, Watchman Nee
  • He Speaks to Me, Priscilla Shirer


CD's I Recommend

  • Tamela Mann Take Me to the King
  • Cody Holley's Saturate