
It's me!

Friday, February 24, 2012

I love my girlfriends!!!

I have found over the years that women's friendships seem to freak a lot of women out. I happen to be a girl who truly enjoys friendships with other girls! It's never been a scary thing for me... I just enjoy girls in my life!

Perhaps because I grew up with mostly males in my neighborhood and have always been surrounded by boys and men. I am not sure if the trouble with women's friendship is a result of bad experiences, time issues, not wanting to vulnerable or just simply not liking people. I do know that God can help you with all of that. You can be free from that and learn to enjoy the girls in your life. God uses friendships to grow us! If you choose to open your heart up to it. God did not mean for anyone to be without friendships. And girls need girls! I don't know, I just enjoy girls and have so much fun with my girlfriends!

The thing I think that helps me the most with friendships is just being me. I am the same no matter what environment I am in!!! I am a Jesus loving freak at home, work, church or with my friends! I am just ME at all times. I don’t feel the pressure to be anything but who God wants me to be at all times. I don’t change when certain people are around, nor do I treat my friends differently when others are around. God created me to be me and I am comfortable being me. I think that takes a lot of pressure off.

I have some of the most amazing girlfriends too! I have a few girls that are very close to me....whom I share some very personal stuff with. These girls are the ones who pray for me and encourage me on the days that life have seemed too tough. I even have a few girls who speak into my life and don't sugar coat it! They push me to do what God has called me to do. Some of these same girls are the reason why I am the woman of God I am today. I don't even see them often or talk to them daily, but they have blessed my life tremendously.

One of the things I love about my girl friends is that they enjoy each other when we all get together. I remember a going a way party when Willie was in the Marines. I invited all my friends, some were from church, bible studies, work, kid's schools, etc. They all knew each other because they heard me talking about each other to each other. It was an amazing time of fellowship. I kept hearing, "oh you are ....., Lisa talks about you." It was hilarious! That was 15 years ago and some of them still tell me I saw....so and so the other day...you know the one who was at your going away party.

I believe you can have different types of friendships in your life. For me I just open myself up and it happens. I have lots of different friends too, young and old and all ethnicities too! I learn a lot from my friends. I have learned how to cook different foods, and have different cultural experiences because of my friends. We are all unique and can learn a lot from each other as women.

I am one of those girls who can pretty much get along with anyone. I have even been accused of seeing something good in everyone. Not may people annoy me. I must admit there have been a few, but normally I get over myself, see them the way Jesus does and love them. Oh and if you annoy me I will probably tell you what is annoying me.

I believe you have to be honest with of your friends and allow them to be honest with you. If you want to maintain friendships you can't offend easily and be careful not to offend others. You can always tell when you offend someone too, so don't try to pretend you don't know. Go to the person and make it right. I would hope if I offend a friend they would tell me. Trust me, I have been there before. I just apologized and we moved on.

I just want to be a godly example to any girl who steps in my life. Most of my friends know I love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and mind. I am not ashamed of the gospel or to share it. I believe in obedience and believe the Word is to grow you, correct and restore. If you step into my circle. I am bringing the Word and bringing it hard!

I believe the Word of God commands obedience out of love for the ones whom He has saved. Those who are close to me know I will correct you with the Word! So if you want to be my friend be ready to grow and be challenged. I am sure this has kept some away....oh well...that's me! I don't judge people but will speak truth to them and expect people to speak truth to me.

I love my friends and want them to be all God wants them to be. I have just learned that friendships are not about me but others. I do not mind sharing my life with others. I believe it is part of the ministry God has given me. My life does not belong to me but God. I want to use it for his Glory! I believe friendships with my girlfriends is one of the ways he can be glorified. I want to be a living epistle for my Lord and I can't do that if I don't open my life up to those around me.


Anonymous said...

You befriended me in the most difficult time of my life. You never give up on me, even when I give up on myself. You have been genuine with me since I first met you. I couldn't have asked for a better friend.
Tanya Sanchez

Krista said...

Love the perspective on honesty and being oneself in our friendships. I think with so much rejection in life we are afraid to be really who God created us to be. I knew from the moment I met you that you were real and would challenge me in so many ways. So thankful for our friendship! Can't wait to see the places we will go as we follow God's path for our lives!

Books I Recommend

  • Power of A Praying Parent
  • Power of a Praying Wive
  • Under Authority, John Bevere
  • Release of the Spirit, Watchman Nee
  • He Speaks to Me, Priscilla Shirer


CD's I Recommend

  • Tamela Mann Take Me to the King
  • Cody Holley's Saturate